Exposición Internacional de Collage 2020, Galería Retroavangarda en Varsovia. Un gran talento se reunió en este excelente espacio con artistas y creativos del mundo del collage, que admiro y son referencia. Un orgullo poder estar entre ellos, con mi trabajo "Bridesmaid".

Curator of the exhibition: Anna Klos
Organizer: Retroavangarda
Illustration used on poster: Guillermo Flores, ORBEHSTUDIO.
Presentation work:"Bridesmaid" Mixed analog and digital collage.

International Collage Exhibition 2020, Retroavangarda Gallery in Warsaw. A great talent met in this excellent space with artists and creatives from the world of collage, who I admire and are a reference. I am proud to be among them, with my work "Bridesmaid".

Bridesmaid  · e.martinez ©

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