Exposición "Solo Collage" 2022 comisariada por Lucia Soto y Santi González, dentro del marco de celebraciones del Festival " Flamenco-Somorrostro" en el Centre Civic Barceloneta. Danza, cine, pintura, collage y música, rinden un homenaje a la cultura gitana y al barrio del Somorrostro de aquellos años 60, donde una gran ola migratoria llegó a la costa de Barcelona.

"Solo Collage" 2022 exhibition curated by Lucia Soto and Santi Gonzalez, within the framework of the "Flamenco-Somorrostro" Festival celebrations at the Center Civic Barceloneta. Dance, cinema, painting, collage and music, pay tribute to gypsy culture and the Somorrostro neighborhood of those 60s, where a great wave of migration reached the coast of Barcelona.

Artists: Albert Roca, Beatriz Alarcía, Arcangela Regis, Juan Cardosa, Patossa, Cristina Holm, Imanol Buisan, Gerson Ruiz, Kras Casadevall, Mara Carver, Josep Pulido, Eduardo Martínez, Esther Rafols, Carlota Marquina, Kertasium, Balu, Karin Huberman, Adolfo Rast, Lucía Soto, Santi González, Xavi Martí, Kancis, Carme Nuñez, Judith Belmonte, Elisabet Belmonte, Assumpta Rojas, Daniela Vilarasau .

Somorrostro 2 / e.martinez ©
Somorrostro 1 / e.martinez ©

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