Galatea is a goddess from Greek mythology, a sea nymph, and wife of the Cyclops Polyphemus.
According to mythology, she was created by the god of the sea, Poseidon, and the beauty of her was so impressive, that she caused a fight between the gods for the love of her. She is known to be the cause of Acis's death.
According to mythology, she was created by the god of the sea, Poseidon, and the beauty of her was so impressive, that she caused a fight between the gods for the love of her. She is known to be the cause of Acis's death.
Galatea es una diosa de la mitología griega, una ninfa marina y esposa del cíclope Polifemo.
Según la mitología, fue creada por el dios del mar, Poseidón, y su belleza era tan impresionante
que causó una lucha entre los dioses por su amor. Es conocida por ser la causa de la muerte de Acis.
Según la mitología, fue creada por el dios del mar, Poseidón, y su belleza era tan impresionante
que causó una lucha entre los dioses por su amor. Es conocida por ser la causa de la muerte de Acis.

Galatea's tragic breeze / La Brisa Trágica de Galatea / e.martinez ©